Gábor Kosztolánczy
Coach, Team Coach, Supervisor, Mentor, Organizational Development Expert, PCM trainer, Gestalt Therapist trainee
He's listening to me like no one has ever done before. I feel safe talking to him about my most personal feelings, and new thoughts are still spinning in my head for days after our sessions.
According to my colleagues, I have changed tremendously since I started coaching. There are no tensions, we understand each other from half-words, and we work in a good mood. With Gabor I got to know aspects of my communication that I didn't know anything about before.
Great presence, accurate insights, not only understands us, but also feels us.

In the course of our lives we face countless goals, challenges, dilemmas, difficult situations or incomprehensible phenomena.
As leaders, we often experience the burden of responsibility, the power of our own influence, the loneliness of decisions, or we may find ourselves facing a new challenge for which we do not yet have a solution.
In the absence of proper harmony, the efficiency of the community of the best professionals will not be outstanding, the common performance is determined by communication among themselves, understanding each other, and a common value system.
The performance of organizations is influenced by structure, culture, information flow, beliefs, values, and several other adjustable factors.