Gábor Kosztolánczy

Coach, Team Coach, Supervisor, Mentor, Organizational Development Expert, PCM trainer, Gestalt Therapist trainee

He's listening to me like no one has ever done before. I feel safe talking to him about my most personal feelings, and new thoughts are still spinning in my head for days after our sessions.

According to my colleagues, I have changed tremendously since I started coaching. There are no tensions, we understand each other from half-words, and we work in a good mood. With Gabor I got to know aspects of my communication that I didn't know anything about before.

Great presence, accurate insights, not only understands us, but also feels us.

With more than 20 years of senior management and nearly 40 years of kayaking experience, I have been involved in managing many human life situations, all of which have left a valuable imprint on me. I have had to deal with countless personal blockages, misunderstandings, organizational challenges, or even celebrable successes, the worthy living of which is little supported by our current society. I have struggled with the development of my own personality, with the burden of the performance expected from me as an athlete and a student, and with my own loneliness as a leader and with the stories of my colleagues.
These experiences motivate me to monitor the human functioning of my individual, managerial or team clients and to support them in achieving their fulfilment, confidence and effectiveness based on their own preference, talent and personality.