Gábor Kosztolánczy


Personal and Private Topics

In the course of our lives we face countless goals, challenges, dilemmas, difficult situations or incomprehensible phenomena. There are situations that we can easily solve, and there are also situations for which our existing routines do not bring the desired results for some reason. It may also happen that something is simply not good or not good enough, but the reason and solution for this will not show itself without help.
In connection with your personal topic, I am looking forward to having a free preparatory conversation with you, during which, in case of mutual sympathy, depending on the phenomenon, we will discuss whether to start finding a self-identical solution through individual coaching, supervision, PCM consultation or gestalt therapy.
As leaders, we often experience the burden of responsibility, the power of our own influence, the loneliness of decisions, or we may find ourselves facing a new challenge for which we do not yet have a solution. There may be a goal that is very attractive, but the road to it is not yet clear enough to start. It can also be a burden to maintain your identity as a subordinate in a challenging or changing work environment. In connection with these and similar topics, I am looking forward to a free preparatory discussion with you, during which, in case of mutual sympathy, we will agree on the framework along which we should proceed towards achieving our goal.
I am happy to work with assisting colleagues in supervision or mentoring as well. I am a registered mentor coach with ICF, so our consultations are accepted by the association to obtain coach certifications.

Team Development

In the absence of proper harmony, the efficiency of the community of the best professionals will not be outstanding, the common performance is determined by communication among themselves, understanding each other, and a common value system. If you would like to improve the efficiency and cooperation quality of your team together with your subordinates and colleagues, I look forward to hearing from you.
Based on the preparatory consultation, I propose one of the team coaching, group supervision or PCM trainings, which I consider the most suitable for remedying the given phenomenon. Subsequently, we proceed with continuous consultation in the development process by processing the team’s blockages in order to better understand each other, resolve any misunderstandings or beliefs, and commit to a common goal.

Organizational Development

In a larger organization, in addition to the internal cooperation of teams working directly with each other, performance is significantly influenced by the structure, information flow, beliefs, value system and other characteristics of the organization as a whole, which the top management usually cannot perceive without distortion. If you would like to address a challenge, lack of information, inefficiency problem affecting part or all of your work organization, or for any other reason you would like to involve an external expert for your transformation intention, feel free to contact me.
In my more than 20 years of senior management, I have met many different organizations by industry, size, structure or mode of operation, each of which has a lot of value and potential for development. With the help of my systemic thinking focusing on blockages and solutions, and my experience gained in countless life situations, I usually quickly gain insight into the most relevant issues, for which I ask development team members from among my colleagues who are most experienced in the given topic.
Based on prior consultation, I recommend a suitable methodology and a team of experts with whom we can start exploring the details, gathering the necessary information, network research or organizational diagnosis if necessary, and then making decision-making consultations related to the established diagnosis.
We can also support you in the implementation of the jointly developed action plan with the help of workshops, individual or team coaching or supervision.