Gábor Kosztolánczy


Dear Visitor, on this page I write some thoughts about the methodologies that can be used for the topics listed under Services. Note that you don’t have to choose. If you contact me, I will be happy to suggest how to work together.

Individual coaching

The International Coach Federation (ICF) defines coaching as “working with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”
Individual coaching is typically working together to achieve a specific goal, decide a dilemma, or solve an individual challenge. In the 6-10 session process, I accompany you in finding the best, self-identical solution to the question that concerns you the most. The development of his insights and self-knowledge helps him to make future self-identical decisions, to better understand the impact on his environment, and to function more consciously and balancedly.
It is important to note that in the process you remain the expert of your own topic, knowing and living your own situation best, you make your own conclusion with full responsibility for the decision, and as a coach I help you with my attention, feelings and thoughts.
Time requirement:
  • we arrange it at the initial meeting, typically 6-10 times, 60-90 minutes per occasion.

Team coaching

The effectiveness of teams working together is largely determined by the quality of communication between each other, the system of opinions and beliefs about each other, and the quality of a common identity. These skills are usually not learnable in school and depend to a large extent on the composition of the team, in which the change of one person has a serious impact on the way and effectiveness of working together. The various team coaching methodologies focus on the internal dynamics of the team, improve understanding of each other and thus increase effectiveness.
Action Learning primarily supports the utilization of common knowledge, the experience of community and the development of the quality of communication in a structured framework.
Time requirements:
  • preparatory discussion with all participants (minimum 5, maximum 9 people) 20 minutes/person (minimum 5, maximum 9 fő) 20 perc/fő
  • The desired duration of each session is 3.5 hours, in which two AL rounds take place ideally, a total of times are needed for each participant to take their turn with their own round.
The transformative team coaching process is a cooperation development method specifically tailored to the given team, through which we make a diagnosis with my team-coach partner based on the preparatory interviews with all team members, and in consultation with the team leader, strengthening him, we process the experiences together with the team. The maximum number of participants, including the leader, is 15 people, with whom we work in team-coach pairs.
  • Setting management goals and agreeing on their aspects for approximately 120 minutes
  • Interview with all team members approx. 60-90 minutes/person
  • Diagnosis, reconciliation and validation with the manager
  • Team coaching 3 full days together with all participants


During mentoring sessions, I support the professional development of my coach colleagues according to their current goal. In accordance with professional customs, we use concrete examples or audio materials to explore the strengths, possible alternative professional solutions and development potentials of the given sessions.
Time requirements
based on mutual consultation, it is formed in accordance with the goal of the colleague and the ICF regulations.

Organizational Development

Different work organizations according to industry, size, structure or mode of operation all have individual structures, traditions, strengths and weaknesses. After the preliminary management consultation, together with my colleagues with the most experience in the task, we conduct interviews with the selected colleagues and stakeholders, based on which we make a proposal on the way to achieve the desired goal. This can be organizational diagnosis, network research, clarification of internal communication, correction of structure, joint processing of certain topics by workshops, training, group supervision, or individual or team coaching. I can make a personalized proposal taking into account the differences of the different methodologies, their most expedient applicability, as well as the desired time and resource requirements after a substantive consultation.
Time requirements:
varies depending on the specifics of the organization and needs, we will discuss it during the personal conversation.

Supervision (individual or group)

Supervision primarily supports the processing of the work burdens of those working in helping professions (health, social, etc.), managers and professionals supporting them (trainers, coaches, etc.) and serves their mental health. Its aim is to overcome their professional challenges and work burdens in such a way that their motivation, stress tolerance, work ethic, and ability to connect and cooperate at work can increase. During supervision, starting from the specific case, the supervisor and his client jointly explore the experiences, feelings, beliefs and reactions related to the given situation of the supervisee, through the awareness of which he will recognize negative effects, thoughts and feelings sooner in the future, which will help him to make the right decision and relate to the case more appropriately.
The supervisor provides a safe, free, judgement-free space for reflection for joint work, in which he helps his client in learning with his own point of view, experience and professional insight.
Time requirement:
minimum 10 times per process, 60-90 minutes per occasion

Gestalt Therapy

The foundations of gestalt therapy were laid by Fritz Pearls in the middle of the twentieth century. In contrast to many psychological trends, its focus is on experience in the moment rather than the past – respecting that as many of us as we are, we experience so many different realities and connect with ourselves and our environment in so many ways. The gestalt therapist is not involved in the process as an objective expert, but an important element of therapy is the therapist-patient relationship that occurs in this relationship and the process by which it is jointly established. He does not look at the topics brought by the patient as diseases or problems to be solved, but as phenomena, and he looks for how the different elements of the system participate in the creation of this phenomenon – so he does not only examine the individual, but thinks from a systems perspective.
Gestalt therapy helps people live richer and more enjoyable lives, see their situation more clearly, discover their potential, and take responsibility for taking advantage of those opportunities – that is, taking responsibility for their happiness.
I am currently working as a gestalt therapist trainee with my clients.
Time requirement:
on a weekly or biweekly basis for a longer period of time.

PCM® (Process Communication Model)

PCM® is an excellent psychological model based on personal perceptions, created by Taibi Kahler, American clinical psychologist, psychotherapist and expert in transaction analysis.
For self-knowledge purposes, the model can be used to identify and understand our own communication, psychological needs and distress patterns, and through their awareness, to significantly develop our connection with our environment.
As a leader or in a work team, these same skills can work wonders for understanding each other, recognizing each other’s tense situations early, and supporting each other in the best way in tense situations. Knowing each other’s profiles can significantly improve the efficiency of cooperation, reduce the number of stressful situations experienced, resulting in a more pleasant atmosphere and greater productivity.
The personal profile is created by completing an online test that takes nearly 45 minutes, which we interpret together and discuss the details of the information that can be obtained from the profile.
For teams, I recommend trainings that practice getting to know the model, interpreting individual profiles together, and communicating effectively and without distress.
Time requirement:
processing of individual profile 120 minutes, training for teams 2-3 days by prior arrangement.